Saturday, June 3, 2017

Home Again and Shooting Wildflowers

Home Again and Shooting Wildflowers

June 3, 2016

The wildflowers are blooming late this year because we had record snow taking much longer to melt off and expose the ground.  Not all of the early season flowers are great specimens, but it is fun to find and photograph them.  Here is what I have so far.

Alpine Forget-me-nots

Arrowleaf Balsamroot

Ballhead Waterleaf



Desert Parsley

False Solomon's Seal 

Heartleaf Arnica

 Mountain Dandelion

Redosier Dogwood 

Sticky Geranium

Western Serviceberry

Wild Strawberry

 Woodland Star

Yellow Monkey Flower

The next two flowers I couldn't identify until Glen Buschmann gave me some clues in a comment on this post.

Nuttall's Rockcress

Common Hounds Tongue

The next flower I can't identify.  If you can, please let me know.  

1 comment:

  1. Irene, of your mystery plants, two of them look like mustard family and one looks like borage family, but can't be more specific for now.
    Glen B
