Sunday, April 23, 2017

Amman Jordan - many surprises

Amman, Jordan

Jordan is surrounded by Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Irsael & Palestine

92% of the population is Muslim (93% identifiy as Sunnis)

We arrived after uneventful flights from Boston (Delta), JFK, & Vienna (Austrian Air). Started our trip on the 22nd and arrived on the 23th. My internal clock is reeling! 

A little history: Amman (starred on map) is the captial of Jordan, hvaing a population of four million plus - the country is 9.6 million. In addition to it's importance as an economic and cultural center, Amman is a major tourist destination in the region and is considered one of the most liberal westernized Arab cities.

Amman has had many names since it was built about 7,250 BC. Originally called 'Ain Ghazal, it's successor was known as Rabbath Ammon (rabbath=capital) as it the the capital city of the Ammonites. Ptolemy II Philadelphus, the Macedonian ruler of Egypt, occupied and rebuilt the city which was then called "Philadelphia". If you study maps from biblical times you will see these previous names used.

Amman's beautiful new airport. 
High 77 degress, low 48 degrees, brisk north wind

Our OAT (Overseas Adventure Travel) transfer representative met us when we arrived and helped us obtain a visa which is free for groups of five. I was wisked thru passport control labeled, "Fast-Track" and Moe was sent to the control booth labeled, "Diplomat"! Who knew....

The view from our hotel

Amman is built on hills, initially seven hills but now spanning over 19 hills.This was surprinsing as the area around the airport was flat. Women are permitted to drive cars, although I didn't see many. I did see YELLOW school buses. Driving is chaotic with cars weaving in and out. I sucked in my breath several times coming from the airport, however, no accidents & no honking!


  1. Just happened to sign on tonight...and happy to catch your arrival and commentary and pictures. Sounds like lovely weather....are you with a group? With guides?

  2. Hoping that your lack of posts is shortage of internet access--looking forward to an update and picture, but more importantly that you are having a ball and don't have time to post! Love from here--you are missing lots of lousy weather in the west.
