Monday, May 8, 2017

Eat, Celebrate and Be Merry

Warm and sunny

After an exciting time of walking through the ancient sewer tunnels of Old Jerusalem (challenging Irene's claustrophobia), we emerged near the Temple Mount. There was music, cheering, joyous shouts and balloons...was it because I survived another trip through an underground tunnel? The celebrations seem a little excessive for that! 

It was Bar Mitzvah Day, we were told. Mondays and Thursday at the Wall. 

Jewish families come from all over the world to celebrate family Bar Mitzvahs at the Western Wall. According to Jewish law, when Jewish boys become 13 years old, they become accountable for their actions and become a bar mitzvah, meaning "son of commandant". They become full-fledged members of the Jewish community which all the responsibilities that come with it.

The Western Wall Heritage Foundations assists families in planning this special event, all at no charge.

Entering the Plaza of the Western Wall. After the ceremony the blue and white balloons will be released

Drums, horns, cheering, celebrating with the Bar Mitzvah. It could have been a football game.

Yummy pastries

 Sweets to eat and an assault rifle, too. What a day!

 Bar Mitzvah festivities usually include a celebratory meal with friends, family and their community. 

The entertainment section. Let the fun begin!

 Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts and Friends. All in their best finery

We stopped walking and did some celebratory eating, too. At a cute coffee shop.

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