Monday, May 1, 2017

What's that city called again?

Safed, also Tsfat or Tzefat or Zfat or Zefat

Hazy Hi 77, Lo 63, nice breeze

Safed is the highest city in Upper Galilee and Israel at 2,953 ft. It is considered one of Judaism's Four Holy Cities, along with Jerusalem, Hebron and Tiberias. Since the 16th century Safed has been a center of Kabbalah or Jewish mysticism. 

Yosef Caro Synagogue

The Yosef Caro Synagogue is housed in the location of the former Safed Beit Din (Safed's rabbinical court of Judaism) headed by Rabbi osef Caro,  a master of Jewish Law. Rabbi Yosef Caro was the descendant of a family that fled Spain during the Spanish Inquisition. He was drawn to Kabbalistic teaching and in his 40's he made his way to Safed.There is a storage section in the synagogue for ancient manuscripts. 

 Oil lamps with today's energy efficient bulbs - smart!

Ofer, our OAT guide, gives us our marching orders. 
"Even though ye now go to the famous Artists Quarter in the Old City of Safed, ye must not spend". Kill-joy...

The Artists' Quarter in the Old City of Safed is one or the treasures of Upper Galilee. The narrow winding stone streets are lined with collective and private art galleries and workshops.

Israeli flags adorn the country in anticipation of Independence Day

 Sure, why not?

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