Sunday, May 28, 2017

Food Quiz, Kippah and Cats

Test Your Knowledge of these Middle Eastern Yummies

Answers to follow



 This cat is getting his daily Matzo!
Jerusalem residents feed and provide water for feral cats


Also known as a Yarmulke, a kippah is a brimless cap worn by Jews to fulfill the customary requirement held by Orthodox halachic authorities that the head be covered. Men in Orthodox communities usually wear a kippah at all times. Secular Jews wear one when in a synagogue.

One for every occasion...

Ultra-orthodox Jews wear hats

There are references in the Torah saying to 'make yourself bound tassles on the four corners of clothing with which you cover yourself.' The tassles area called Tzitzis  and are there to remind you of God's commandants. The cloth part is worn under a shirt so that only the Tzitzis hang out.

In many traditionnal Jewish communities, married women wear head coverings.

Quiz answers - How'd you Do?

I'm not revealing the ingredients in each - that's you homework!


 Tahini Yogurt

Baba Ganush

Syrian olives, hot pepper sauce, pesto (back to front)

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