Saturday, May 6, 2017

Water & Water

Crossing the Sea of Galilee
Going to Tiberias
Warm and breezy

The Sea of Galilee or Sea of Kinneret is located in northern Israel between the Golan Heights (occupied and administered by Israel) and the Galilee region. 

The Jordan river begins at Mt. Hermon in the Golan Heights and flows through the Hula Valley into the Sea of Galilee. From there it flows through the Jordan Valley to the Dead Sea

 We cross the Sea of Galilee from east to west, in a "Jesus boat".  Perhaps the profile is reminiscent of long-ago fishing boats, but this boat holds about 30 people.

 Our OAT trip leader has chartered the entire boat, so the crew raised the American flag and plays the national anthem. The wind wraps the Israeli flag and the Stars & Stripes together...

Moe & Mike enjoy the day. They had previously been swapping Navy stories as both served.

Southward to Yardenit Baptismal Site

Qasr el Yahud, north of the Dead Sea and east of Jericho is considered to be where Jesus was baptized,  not Yardenit. However Yardenit is a safer and very popular site for baptism - 400,000 people a year come there.

 It is required that people wear a white gown for baptism.  Why? A large group of Nigerians disrobed in the changing room, ran out and jumped joyously naked into the Jordan, or so they say... 

Initial baptism or re-baptism is very emotional and spiritual to many. Some take their white gown home to be buried in it when the time comes.

 Irene baptizes her feet. Is the water cold? No comment..

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