Saturday, May 6, 2017

Visitation & Spring of the Vineyard

Sunny & mild

Village of Ein Karem

 Thanks, Wendy!
Ein Karem means "Spring of the Vineyard"

The moderrn neighborhood of Ein Karem still retains its old village character. Tree-framed stone house dot the hillsides in ways to delight the artist. 

Touching the water at Mary's Spring

A village centered on the spring at Ein Kerem dates back to the Middle Bronze Age. The Virgin Mary is said to have come to this spring thus, "Mary's Spring".

Church of the Visitation

Ein Karem

 Up a short but invigorating walk from Mary's Spring is the Church of the Visitation

The church is built over what is though to have been John the Baptist 's parents Zechariah and Elizabeth's home and celebrates the visitation of Mary to her cousin Elizabeth to tell the good news and to praise God.

 The present church is modern - the 1950's I think.

The Visitation

When the Virgin Mary came to Ein Karem to tell her aging cousin Elizabeth, who was 6 months pregnant, of her own pregnancy, Elizabeth's babe leaped in her womb.  Mary, in her joy, pronounced the Magnificat.

My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior...

There are several examples of modern religious art at the Church of the Visitation. I love this statue of Mary (L) and Elizabeth.

Over the altar a mural showing models of churches being presented to Mary. The kneeling person in the brown robe is the architect of the church, presenting a model of the Church of the Visitation.

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