Thursday, May 11, 2017

It's Hot! Eat Soup

Last Day in Jerusalem
Sunny and Very Hot - about 98 Degrees 

To combat our deep sadness after the Holocaust Museum, we went to a restaurant to eat. But first appetizers! Ofer, our OAT guide began with sweets - to raise our blood sugar and our growing pessimism about the flaw in the world that allows one man to see another man as sub-human, as having no meaning, worth, significance...

One of each please!

Ofer purchased a goodie for each of us, and he did so in each successive store, so we could have several tastes of Israel. Each was excellent. Below are some we tasted and some we admired from afar.

Yummy dates

Rugelach (center) is a popular Jewish pastry

 Not on the menu today, but previously we had these crunchy exterior, small, bagel-like things

Now we are so hot from walking the streets of Jerusalem, that we can go to a locals' restaurant fknown for its soups!

Kubba - a Middle East dish consisting of a semolina flour shell with a filling (meat, etc). 

Steve tries red kubba soup

 Moe's soup is kubba in a cucumber base

Mine is vegetable soup. Yum!

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